Telegram has rolled out end-to-end encrypted video calling functionality on both it’s Android and iOS apps. The company made this announcement on the seventh anniversary of its launch. It began as a niche application focused on secret messaging in 2013, Now, the social messaging app has over 400 million users and is one of the top 10 most downloaded apps. The video calling feature is currently live in an alpha state.
Just like voice calls on Telegram, video calls are end-to-end encrypted. Telegram’s primary competitor, WhatsApp introduced video calling way back in 2016. The feature, which was limited to 4 users for many years, was upgraded to support up to 8 users in April of this year. Apart from voice calls, Telegram’s latest version also brings with it additional animated emoji options.
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Telegram video calling: Features, how to use
A video call can be initiated from a contact’s profile page. Like all other video content on Telegram, video calls also support picture-in-picture. This lets users scroll through chats and multi-task while on a call. Video can also be turned on or off at any time during a voice call. Currently, only one-on-one video calls can be made. Group video calling is not supported at the moment. Telegram has however announced that group calling will be rolled out in the coming months along with several more features.
As mentioned above, all video calls are encrypted. Encryption is confirmed via the use of emoji. The same set of four emoji on both ends indicates the call is end-to-end encrypted. In a blog post, Telegram said, “2020 highlighted the need for face-to-face communication, and our alpha version of video calls is now available on both Android and iOS”. “Telegram has never advertised and every user has come to the app because of a recommendation from someone they trust. Strong principles and quality features speak for themselves, and millions of you listened. We’ve heard you as well, and will continue to develop features that make Telegram much more than just a messaging app”, the company added.
from Telegram launches video calling on Android and iOS with end-to-end encryption