
Don’t Google Search these vulnerable topics: You will thank us later

What’s the easiest way to find out about something? Simple! Just do a Google Search. The ability to look for anything in the world by just tapping the Google Search bar has spoilt us, unlike anything. However, that has also left us vulnerable to the danger of getting robbed or hacked. There are several unimaginable ways to get hacked and making a Google Search is, sadly, one of them.

Hackers often tend to figure out the most common queries people make online and try to dupe people using such phrases. This is despite Google trying its best to keep users safe from harm. Hence, looking for basic things such as contact details of customer care, or downloading an app outside of the Google Play Store could fetch you harm instead of help.

We take a look at some of the activities you should try avoiding in order to keep yourself safe while you Google Search to your heart’s content.

Five Google Search terms that could land you in danger

google search

Image: Pixabay

Customer Care Number

You should always check for Customer Care contacts on a company’s official website. Finding one on Google could land you on a realistic-seeming fake page with fake details. In some cases, victims have ended up giving away their bank credentials or other crucial bits, thereby leading malicious predators to rob them of their important bits.

Bank website

Searching for bank websites on Google could often lead you to imitation sites with links that may seem real. You may end up putting in your credentials and realise moments later about your mistake. Always prefer knowing and typing your bank’s URL to head straight to their service.

App, file or software

You may be tempted in downloading an app from some website that could grant you free in-game currency in PUBG Mobile or Candy Crush. Don’t do that. You never know what that app or file may be hiding inside it. As soon as you install it on your phone or PC, it may start sending all your data to malicious sources.

Dubious offers

Found a brand-new iPhone 12 for just Rs 10,000 on an ad link on Google? Never click on such links despite showing up on the top or bottom of a Google Search page. You should always report such ads or links in case you stumble upon one. These links could lead you to a bad website that may lead to further trouble.

Coupon code

Who doesn’t like a fat discount on their product of choice with a free coupon? I myself do. However, it is advisable to refrain from searching coupons on Google. Hackers may often lure innocent users into giving up credentials in exchange for an attractive coupon code.

from Don’t Google Search these vulnerable topics: You will thank us later

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