The Xbox Series has gone up for pre-orders on Amazon in India at its usual price. Interested buyers can head over to Amazon and book the Series S console at its launch price of Rs 34,999. Those willing to purchase it from Flipkart can also pre-order the Series S console. Both platforms list an expected delivery date of mid-March. Neither e-commerce platform has put up the superior Xbox Series X console on sale yet.
Microsoft has been struggling with the supply of its latest generation gaming consoles owing to the shortage of components. Both the Xbox Series X and Series S consoles were launched in India in November 2020 but their availability has been limited. The Series S keeps coming on sale frequently in batches whereas the Series X is harder to acquire. That said, Microsoft has held Series X console sales more than the Sony PlayStation 5.
Xbox Series S on sale in India
Both Amazon and Flipkart are yet to reveal the number of units available for purchase in India. There are no major discounts or offers, apart from a few EMI-based offers. At Rs 34,999, the Series S is the cheapest in the next-gen console lineup. Microsoft isn’t selling the previous-gen Xbox One One S and One X anymore.
Amazon is also selling the new versions of the Xbox Wireless Controller in India. Apart from the black variant, you can also get the Xbox controller in White and Shock Blue. The updated controller with a dedicated Share key for uploading screenshots and clips of your gameplay. You can buy it at a price of Rs 5,890.
Is the Xbox Series S a good buy?
As of now, the Series S is the easiest access to next-gen console gaming in India. The Xbox Series X and Sony Playstation 5 aren’t available as easily. While Sony remains tight-lipped on the status of the PS5’s availability, Microsoft has hinted at the delay in supply lasting until the end of summer 2021.
The Series S is a fast console in comparison to the older Xbox One lineup. The Series S uses the new Velocity Architecture as well as SSD-based storage for faster loading times. The Quick Resume feature negates the need for in-game saves as one can resume from where they left. The Series S supports 120 fps gaming in HDR.
However, the Series S isn’t futureproofed and may not run the upcoming games in the best of ways. Additionally, the limited 512GB onboard storage limits the number of games you can have installed at a time.
from Xbox Series S pre-orders start again on Amazon, Flipkart in India